It was a festive atmosphere at the FKCCI Auditorium in Bengaluru for the penultimate PAMEX roadshow on 24 February that also happened to be the Printers’ Day. Nearly 200 delegates who had travelled for hours by train or chartered buses from Davangere, Hassan, Malanad, Tumkur, Udupi and Vijaypur Districts were greeted by the KSPA team over breakfast. The delegates then made a beeline for the tabletop exhibition before filling up the auditorium for the start of the inaugural session where they were also joined by the local delegates from Bengaluru making it among the most well attended event in the series of Roadshows to promote PAMEX 2023.

The inaugural ceremony started with the lighting of the lamp by Raveendra Joshi, President, AIFMP; R Janardhana, Hon. Past President, AIFMP; B V Gopal Reddy, President, FKCCI; K Kumarasamy, VP-South, AIFMP; Ashok Kumar, Hon. President, KSPA; Mahesh Kumar, State Level District Co-ordination Committee, Karnataka State Printers Association; Prakash G Kodavooru, President, UDPOA, Hemantha Kumar, President, HDPA; A M Prakash, President, DDPA; Tushar Dhote, Co-Charmain, Pamex, AIFMP and Anil Arora, President, Print-Packaging.Com Private Limited.
The event was made colourful by the series of facilitations of the dignitaries on the stage by the local associations with the traditional shawls and garlands with Raveendra Joshi, President, AIFMP being the cynosure of the gathering. “I am thankful to the delegates who have extended their support towards the event and have showered so much love on me. I will always remember this day with fond memories. AIFMP looks forward to welcoming the visitors from all over Karnataka to PAMEX 2023 in Mumbai,” said the visibly overwhelmed Joshi.
The event, organised by All India Federation of Master Printers (AIFMP) and Karnataka State Printers Association (KSPA), in association with Private Limited was supported by Hassan District Printers Association (HDPA), Udupi Dist. Press Owners Association (UDPOA) and Davangere District Printers Association (DDPA).
The Panel Discussion at the conference was moderated by Amitabh Luthra, Printers Supply Co Private Limited, who started the discussion giving a brief on how Convergence is clearly visible in all stages of printing. “Whether it is the software used in pre-press, printing machines which have inline finishing options, the possibility of printing on various substrates, convergence in label printing processes and now even in cartons,” he said. The panellists at the session, Gopi Ballarwad, iTekPackz LLP; Denver Annunciation, Janus International; Suresh Srinivasan, Kamsri Printing & Packaging Private Limited and C. N. Ashok, Autoprint Machinery Mfrs. Private Limited, then shared their success stories around – ‘Convergence in Print- The Way Forward.’
Pawandeep Sahni from OMET India, then took over the dais for his presentation on ‘The Convergence Mindset- How to encash on the biggest opportunity in print’. Sahni has shown same level of enthusiasm at all the PAMEX road shows he has joined. At Bangalore, the local audience could easily connect with his dialect and the way he explained the concept of convergence. “It is very important to evaluate your results, compared to the efforts you put in. Convergence is not only about adopting the change, but also about understanding how to make the change work for you,” he tried to convey.
Ashutosh Tripathi, National Centre for Flexible Electronics- IIT Kanpur, joined the event to talk about ‘Printed Electronics- Opportunities for Print and Packaging Industries’. According to him, convergence can be of use when we innovate& collaborate, focus on R&D & long term objectives, understand each-other better and develop the indigenous eco-system.
The event concluded with a vote of thanks by R Janardhana, Hon. Past President, AIFMP. He thanked AIFMP for organising the event in Bangalore and also appreciated the participants who had come from nearby cities to attend the event.
The conference was followed by networking lunch that created an opportunity for the attendees to take a walk through the table of exhibition, being held concurrently at same venue. The exhibition saw exhibitors like Boxtech, Hariram Engineering, Indus Analytics, IIT Kanpur, OMET India, Print & Publishing, Suba Solutions Private Limited and others- who presented their companies before the visitors of the exhibition with their innovations and applications on Convergence.
The next and the last destination for PAMEX 2023 Roadshow is Haridwar, where the table-top exhibition and conference will be held on 3rd March 2023 at Yashail Hotel.
PAMEX 2023 is scheduled to be held from 27-30 March 2023 at Bombay Exhibition Centre, Mumbai. More details on
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